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How I Automate Hugo Blog Posts

·160 words·1 min
Mathew Rupp
Mathew Rupp

I recently setup this Hugo blog and I thought I would share how I created a simple workflow to create a new blog post.

Alfred workflow

When I type nbp {title} into the Alfred command bar it runs the following script

dateTime=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")  # ISO 8601 format
# Create directory and navigate into it
cd ~/programming/blog/ && mkdir $1 && cd $1
# Create and populate with frontmatter
cat <<EOF >
title = '$query'
date = $dateTime
draft = true

This creates the folder {title} changes directory into it, and echo’s the front matter into a file called Using a folder structure instead of a file structure lets me easily embed images alongside the text.

I then created a workflow that changes directory into the relevant directory, adds new files to git, commits the new files with the message “new post” and pushes the changes to the repository to publish the posts